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RT Asia returns to Shanghai in July 2023

Dec 14Source:Intelligent Browse: 32

R+T Asia trade fair returns to Shanghai in July 2023| China loosens COVID19 restrictions

China announced recently a nationwide loosening of COVID19 restrictions. The announcement comes as a positive sign on the future of the exhibition industry and was met with enthusiasm both by organizers and participants. The main new loosened up measures, involve less testing, no extensive lockdowns, and no quarantine in centralized centers for patients with mild symptoms. The relaxation of rules constitutes the most sweeping changes since the pandemic started three years ago, clearly marking a return to normality in the very near future in China.


The global trade and what involves imports and exports is heading towards a speedy recovery. The R+T Alliance shows are returning, among others R+T in Stuttgart, the world’s leading trade fair for roller shutters, doors/gates and sun shading systems postponed in 2022 to 19 to 23 February 2024, also gathering among others the Chinese companies looking for opportunities abroad. “This is a clear sign of liberalization of the global trade. We believe that the second half of 2023 will mark a strong rebound in international and domestic activities in a safer environment”, stated Mr. David Zhong, President of VNU Exhibitions Asia, Ltd, co-organizer of R+T Asia trade show.

This is also the reason why the organizers have decided that for 2023, the 18th edition of R+T Asia will be held from 26 to 28 July, at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai, reassembling the world-class fair in the Asia-Pacific Region.


To increase world network opportunities for the show participants, the next edition of the show will combine online and on site activities. The Hosted Buyer Program returns to connect the top exhibitors with national and international buyers on site and online. The qualified buyers on site, among other benefits, will enjoy free accommodation in Shanghai along with a VIP status at the exhibition.

The show offers once more quality educational and networking forums with themes that are trending in the industry. The well – known International Window and Door Summit (IWDS) makes a comeback with international industry experts and important entrepreneurs as speakers. PD Home Conference, ITED Interior Industrialization Conference and Cadex, together with professionals from the real estate and engineering sector, as well as national and international designers will discuss quality living concepts. R+T Asia 2023 will be completed by the special showcase areas, which will demonstrate the most innovative products in a variety of applications, newly launched in the sun shade and door/gate industry.


In the past three years, due to China’s strict epidemic prevention policy, apart from the restrictions in international and domestic travel, all commercial activities in the region took a big hit as well and were stagnant during that time. With the adjustment of the governmental policies, the long-term accumulated demand in the China market will become evident in the months ahead. R+T Asia as the largest gathering in the Asia Pacific region for sun shading systems and doors/gates for the 18th time will facilitate the commercial exchange, remaining the most suitable business platform in region for all professionals who are already active or would like to access their business in one of the world’s largest real estate and construction markets.


For more information about the show visit www.en.rtasia.net

Press contact:

Dominika Karwala
E-mail: dominika.karwala@vnuexhibitions.com.cn

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